Customer ID



Terminal Server Family

A server-based computing solution for deploying Linux desktops and applications


NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server Family


Big enterprises deploying remote access to specialized Linux applications require NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server solutions for flexible, secure hosted Linux desktop delivery that scales to large numbers of users. The NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server family of products, specifically for large and mission critical workloads, provides a full range of capabilities and tools to empower organizations to provide not only fast and secure remote access to the graphics-intensive applications their users need, but maintain scalability, high availability and operational efficiency.

Supported platforms
Concurrent connections
Virtual desktops
Subscription price
Subscription type
Client support
Remote administration
Localized GUI
Automatic updates
Customer support and technical assistance
Who is it for
Server subscription
Desktop access
Automatic discovery on LAN
Guest desktop sharing
Access to the physical desktop for administration
Deploy virtual Linux desktops and applications
Reconnect to virtual desktops on Linux, also from another device
Automatic reconnection to the desktop
Desktop access via the browser
Access from Android and iOS clients
Connect to hosts via RDP, VNC and XDM
Multi-media support
Video streaming (1)
Audio streaming (1)
Hardware-accelerated display processing
Hardware-based video encoding
Hardware-based video decoding
Full support for H.264 and VP8 video codecs
Take screenshot
Whiteboard and chat tool (2)
Screen recording (2)
Run VOIP applications (2)
Device support and drive mapping
Support for multi-monitor set-ups and switch view between remote displays
Export disks from local to remote and vice-versa (2)
Export printers from local to remote and vice-versa (2)
File-transfer (including drag and drop)
USB forwarding (2)
Create VPN between client and server (2)
Connect network servers (FTP, SSH and others)
Security and Authentication
Screen blanking of host display
Connect behind NAT routers and firewalls
Secure communication protected by SSL cryptography
Full encryption for UDP traffic
Kerberos password authentication
PAM based authentication
Integrate with LDAP authentication infrastructure and MS Active Directory
Connect via HTTP proxy or SOCKS
Support for industry standard SSH protocol (2)
Kerberos ticket authentication and ticket forwarding to the session (2)
Smartcard authentication and authentication forwarding to the session (2)
Two-factor authentication
User Administration and User Management
Custom scripts executable on server and node events
Seamless access to desktops for trusted users
Generation of system account on demand (Guest Users)
Server profiles (per-user and groups) with configurable access to applications and functionalities
Trusted groups
Support for client redirection per-user and per-IP
Node capabilities and server management
Work as a standalone server
Function as a node of a Cloud Server
Add on multiple Linux Enterprise Terminal Server nodes
Load-balancing of sessions to remote Terminal Server Nodes
Manual selection of the node by user
High-availability and failover capabilities
NoMachine Terminal Server
From $1,494.50 per year (Standard support)
1 server subscription, for 1 machine, based on CPU cores
Native client and Web based access
Standard support included
Organizations with multiple users
Run unlimited virtual Linux desktops on a single server
NoMachine Terminal Server
NoMachine Terminal Server
NoMachine Terminal Server
NoMachine Terminal Server
NoMachine Terminal Server
NoMachine Terminal Server
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server
From $3,494.50 per year (Standard support)
1 server subscription, for 1 machine, based on CPU cores
Native client and Web based access
Standard support included
Organizations with extensive user management needs
Load-balancing of virtual desktop sessions across multiple Enterprise Terminal Server Nodes
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server Cluster
From $4,494.50 per year (Standard support)
2 servers subscription, for 2 machines, based on CPU cores
Native client and Web based access
Standard support included
Organizations with extensive user management needs
Two server cluster with fault tolerance and load-balancing of desktop sessions across multiple Enterprise Terminal Server Nodes
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server Cluster
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server Cluster
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server Cluster
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server Cluster
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server Cluster
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server Cluster
(1) Available in web sessions in WebRTC mode
(2) Not available in web sessions


Business hours 9-18 CET Monday-Friday
Phone support
Web-based support
Remote diagnostic analysis and resolution (via remote access)
Immediate notification of critical security fixes to NX components
Access to NoMachine Support Center
Normal response time (business days)
24 x 7 for Critical Severity tickets
Response time for Critical issues (hours)
Subscription period
Subscription price including support
NoMachine Terminal Server
1 Year
1 Year
From $1,494.50
From $2,494.50
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server
1 Year
1 Year
From $3,494.50
From $5,494.50
NoMachine Enterprise Terminal Server Cluster
1 Year
1 Year
From $4,494.50
From $6,494.50

The Terminal Server products are available as annual subscriptions. Consult the Support Services Level Agreement for full details, scope of coverage and response times. If you are looking to consolidate all your servers and access to desktop hosts, check out the Cloud Server Family.

Recommended System Requirements

Operating System Hardware
  • Linux 2.6.24 or later
  • Intel Core2 Duo or AMD Athlon Dual-Core or equivalent
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 195 MB free disk space on your hard drive
  • Network connection, LAN or Internet link (broadband, DSL, etc...)