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NoMachine Support

Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Report an issue

Let us know about any bugs or unusual behaviour of NoMachine software and we will queue up for investigation. Customers who have subscriptions of NoMachine products should submit enquiries via their dedicated customer area once they have logged in.

Before you report your bug here, please make sure it has not already been reported by searching through existing Trouble Reports. If you find an already reported bug that is exactly like the problem you have, check to see whether a workaround exists or a fix has already been made available. If you have any doubt as to it being the same or not, please file a new report providing as many details as possible such as the specific product you are using, operating system versions, applications being used, and the steps to reproduce the issue. Leaving an email address is not obligatory, but it can be useful in the event we need to ask further questions during our investigation.