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ID: SU01M00100
Released on: 2015-01-14
Last Update: 2015-01-14
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NoMachine version 4.4.6 now available

Luxembourg, January 14th, 2015

NoMachine makes available today a software update aimed at solving some issues affecting the previous release. The new version, 4.4.6, provides fixes for the following problems:

TR01M04830 - The keyboard layout is not forwarded to the session
TR01M04838 - Cannot login as a guest if the automatic generation of guest accounts is enabled
TR01M04832 - The display server in web sessions can hang indefinitely and unpredictably
TR01M04788 - Reconnecting a virtual desktop in lightweight mode fails under some circumstances
TR12L04779 - A web session freezes when a user with an account containing the '@' char is already logged into the system
TR12L04770 - When the 'lightweight mode' is not enabled, using the EnableAutokillSessions key will terminate also connected sessions
TR12L04762 - Cannot connect on Linux when NoMachine is installed in a non-default directory with restricted permissions set
TR12L04731 - Copy and paste does not work consistently in a virtual KDE desktop
TR01M04791 - NoMachine services don't start on Fedora 21
TR01L04202 - Cannot start MATE desktop environment in a virtual desktop session
TR12L04749 - Users are prompted with the two-factor authentication dialog when SSHD is configured for keyboard-Interactive authentication
TR10L04618 - USB forwarding is not available if NoMachine is installed on a USB drive or the operating system is located on a USB disk
TR12L04769 - The Swiss German language cannot be set in the NoMachine virtual keyboard for web sessions
TR12L04746 - Mouse cursor is invisible in custom rootless sessions with some specific applications
TR12L04745 - The automatic port mapping fails with some router models
TR02L04292 - Cannot issue a dialog message by using a custom script at session reconnection
TR01L04245 - In the multi-node environment the localhost node comes with protocol SSH and port 22
TR12L04728 - Shift key gets stuck when both shift keys are pressed at the same time
TR10L04643 - Users cannot connect when the NoMachine server is installed on a Windows Active Directory client
TR06L04457 - Weight parameter set for the remote nodes are ignored during the load-balancing procedure
TR12L04748 - Cannot authenticate on the server via web when the username contains '@' character
TR05L04412 - X display DPI value cannot be changed


Supported Platforms

Windows 32-bit/64-bit XP/Vista/7/8/8.1

Mac OS X Intel 64-bit 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9/10.10

Linux 32-bit and 64-bit

Red Hat Enterprise 4/5/6/7
SLES 10/11
Open SUSE 10.x/11.x/12.x/13.x
Mandriva 2009/2010/2011
Fedora Core 10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20
Debian GNU Linux 4.0 Etch/5.0 Lenny/ 6.0 Squeeze/ 7.0 Wheezy
Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron/8.10 Intrepid Ibex/9.04 Jaunty Jackalope/
9.10 Karmic Koala/10.4 Lucid Lynx/10.10 Maverick Meerkat/11.04 Natty Narwhal/
11.10 Oneiric Ocelot/12.04 Precise Pangolin/12.10 Quantal Quetzal/13.04 Raring Ringtail/
13.10 Saucy Salamander/14.04 Trusty Tahr


Download NoMachine Packages

You can download the latest packages suitable for your Operating System from the NoMachine Web site at the following URL:

Or from your Customer Area if you are a registered customer.

Automatic updates

To update any of the NoMachine servers:

- Run the NoMachine GUI from your Programs Menu.

- Click on 'Preferences' and 'Updates'.

- Then click on the 'Check now' button.

To update the NoMachine Enterprise Client:

- Click on 'Preferences' and 'Updates'.

- Then click on the 'Check now' button.

Manual package update

Please follow the instructions to update your installation manually:

On Windows:

- Download and save the EXE file.
- Double click on the NoMachine executable file.
- As for the installation, the Setup Wizard will take you through all steps necessary for updating NoMachine.

On Mac OS X:

- Download and save the DMG file.
- Double-click on the Disk Image to open it and double-click on the NoMachine program icon.
- As for the installation, the Installer will take you through through all steps necessary for updating NoMachine.

On Linux:

You can use the graphical package manager provided by your Linux distribution or update NoMachine by command line by following instructions below.
If you don't have the sudo utility installed, log on as superuser ("root") and run the commands without sudo.


- Download and save the RPM file.
- Update your NoMachine installation by running:

# rpm -Uvh <pkgName>_<pkgVersion>_<arch>.rpm


- Download and save the DEB file.
- Update your NoMachine installation by running:

$ sudo dpkg -i <pkgName>_<pkgVersion>_<arch>.deb


- Download and save the TAR.GZ file.
- Update your NoMachine installation by running:

$ cd /usr
$ sudo tar xvzf <pkgName>_<pkgVersion>_<arch>.tar.gz
$ sudo /usr/NX/nxserver --update

If you are installing Enterprise Client or Node run respectively:

$ sudo /usr/NX/nxclient --update
$ sudo /usr/NX/nxnode --update


Installation and configuration guides for the NoMachine products are available at:

The NoMachine Development Team